Thursday, October 25, 2007
A rough week...25days to go!
but i'm having mix feelings about this. even worse to think about the coming 2008. first is whether i should stay in this house or move back to my brother's. second is what should i study, even if i should be studying or working. how to stay in Australia if i decide to stay? my visa expires in March. should i be applying PR? I would love to study dance and arts, but my dad's not quite happy with my decision. I wouldn't wana study further if it's not something i like. but only keep studying will allow me to stay. I could work part time. be it a master degree or another bachelor degree (unlikely)... but definitely another year with Don to make myself qualified as a latin ballroom dance teacher. and i would wana compete professionally. Being constricted by studies all these years, having lil chance to explore how much i can achieve in dancing. I hope next year is the time..... I DREAM BIG.
I've got to stop worrying bout all these and get back to study for my finals. i'm sure things will turn out to be alright =) *fingers crossed*
Anyway, i'm more excited right now than being worried.
In just 25days, i'm gona see Loon, go shopping, meet friends, then i'll be in Penang, Sabah and China!..TRAVEL... and My 21st is SO NEAR! i cant wait to go back home.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Some inspirational thots to be shared....
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
"Only inteligent people chooses dancing"
quoted from Don.
In the lab just now:
"Only you, who'll master it, don't let it master you"
quoted from Stuart, my food biotech unit chair.
which i think both are really strong and influencial statements.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Chinese Autumn Festival at Burwood Hwy
Group photo for the night~
Oya was so happy that she gets to have her first bite of mooncake that night.
Jess brought us a surprise!
we were "WOW-ing and WA-ing" throughout the night.
Everyone's astonished and impressed with her.. "MOONCAKE CAKE" we called it !
and when it's cut open, see how it looked just so exactly like a normal mooncake?
Jess has really made an effort to make it. by the way, it's a choc butter cake with double "yolks" (just orange coloured butter cake), and the outer layer's made from marshmallows... MARVELOUS JOB! don't ask how to do it, i just haven't got a clue! Jess has even made a cake the shape of an LV bag. I've seen it and was amazed! I know it's nothing really, but she's done it with her own skill, didn't go for any classes before.
We were all discussing about having our future wedding cakes made by Jess.
Monday, September 24, 2007
A Day out at the Tulips~
We picked Sunday, which was yesterday, because the Tesselar Tulip Farm was having a Dutch festival during the weekend and the weather forecast wasn't that bad afterall ;)
We love the reds! and here myself with the yellow+bits of reds 'tulips?'
I honestly don't know what they are!
I'm looking forward towards tomorrow's party! I love lanterns and mooncakes!
Hopefully my new "Pumpkin curry" invention will turn out O.K. and most importantly, edible. haha.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
adding a bit of spice in my life...
I had long planned to bake a cake for my teacher on his birthday the 14th.
But anyhow, being a 'perfectionist' i am, i was jumping happily when the whole thing turn out alright *pHew!* and made it just in time!
Introducing DE CAKE "Marble Cheesecake", and JEAN the baker.
At the Studio, with some other students.
It's great to see all were smilling happily =D
More pics in Delfina's camera...
Previously, Bixia and I have baked some OREO MUFFINS.
These humble ones taste so good ! with so lil work involved. want the recipe?
Anyway, nothing would be more wonderful than seeing him again soon
around 3 weeks he said =)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
"Nope." *shakes head* "I'll be standing right behind to support you." *smiles*
*hesistated* "Okay then, here goes...."
"Have your elbows supporting your head. First try to lift the right knee then the left, and then try to balance." *trying to hold my legs*
*shakieshakie* *getting there* "I'm scared....I'm s.c.a.r.e.d...." *cries*
*RUMBLESSS* me = tumbled over, nearly smash my yoga instructer, Sanjay. He's smart enough to dodge that, i think he knew it was coming. LOL
"Gee..." *blush* "this is embarrasing!"
"No no it's not." *smiles* "This happens. Don't worry." *smile*
An enthusiast need a break too!
Btw, Sanjay is a great yogi with great personality and he's cute when he smiles. One of the reasons i kept going to his class ;)
check out
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
~a sigh of relieve
I wana shout out a BIG BIG "THANK YOU!" to loonie my darling. coz my fusses would be much worse without your help. Thanks for completing half of it and being an emotional support! okay i have to admit that i've had a break down because of that subject *sobs*
Anyway A Huge Credit for YOU! ;)
*Tight huggles and Kisses*